Resources for attorneys are numerous, especially with the availability of the internet. Information on statistics, updated rules and statutes, current published articles on cases pending in all levels of court, and updates on the international statutes are all provided on internet web sites, forums and e-zines, as well as in legal libraries around the country.
The American Bar Association provides information on current happenings nationally and internationally where American law in concerned. It is an organization that a lawyer may join to have access to support and other lawyers so that he or she might educate themselves by speaking with their professional peers.
There are also organizations such as the National Bar Association, who has an emphasis on creating an atmosphere of positive law practice and support for African Americans who practice law. There is the National Hispanic Bar Association, the Native American Bar Association and the Asian Pacific Bar Association as well. These organizations provide cultural as well as professional support for those practicing law either in defense of certain communities or as a member of that specific community.
There are also associations for those in specific areas of practice, such as public defenders, criminal attorneys, trial attorneys, appellate lawyers and bankruptcy attorneys. There are also associations for district attorneys, gay and lesbian attorneys, pro bono attorneys and defense lawyers.